The weather channel is predicting record snow this weekend. I really want to stay on track with this blogging task so I am giving you my very own before and after photos and describing the process.
One week ago, I had my very capable assistant, Mrs C. Benjamin, give me the "chemical peel". We do this periodically to train other staff and basically I needed one!
After washing my face, she applied the three step Vitalize peel which I find is very well tolerated by most patients. It is not the strongest peel we use, but it is good for mild acne (seen on my face) and some hyperpigmentation. At the end of the peel I held the electric fan near my face for about a minute, which is about how long it stings. Next, she applied the sunscreen and my face
felt completely normal. Approximately two days later I began to look as if a mild windburn had happened only on my chin. I was able to cover this with extra moisturizer. This second image is my face one week later. Clear skin. Just in time to put on my ski mask and shovel the driveway!! Just kidding. I should get some help with the driveway....

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